BrJ-exe on DeviantArt

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Pack 70 black Patterns V1.0



I have been offering 70 Black Patterns, hope you enjoy.
All patterns were created in pixel. :faint:
Prog. version - Photoshop Cs3 -

:bulletgreen: Rules :pointr: [link] :pointl:

:bulletblue: - Please leave the link of your work so I can evaluate and fav :+fav:
:bulletgreen:- Please :+fav: if you use or download, I'll make more packs. :D:D

:bulletred: - Dont use my stock/resources to make new stock/resources.
:bulletred: - Dont sell my stock/resources.
:bulletred: - if you use them outside of DA, please let me know and let the due credits.
:bulletred: - Please respect my rules. Thanks :thanks:

:bulletgreen: Is authorized to use your work done through my patterns for commersial. You do not have to ask me first.
anyway I have no way to control it. :shrug:

- Good use, I hope you enjoy. :w00t: -

Give thanks if you have any donation points. :points: :woohoo:
will be good incentive to keep my good work.

but also appreciate the comments and criticisms about the work. :thanks:
© 2010 - 2024 BrJ-exe
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